Parish Nursing is all about supporting people and communities towards whole person healthcare. It can happen through a local church of any denomination. Parish nurses work with people of all ages and backgrounds, those with any faith or none. Whether it’s simply giving moral support during a medical crisis – giving general health advice or educating for health – “signposting” people to various support or medical services – praying for people – clarifying medical procedures or issues, – or simply listening (which they do an awful lot of!) – they focus on the person, rather than just a specific medical condition, integrating the different aspects of health.
The Parish Nursing Ministries UK web site
Walton Parish Nursing provides a number of different services to meet the needs of people in the local community. This includes general health advice, special health events and courses, a monthly drop-in clinic, Sole Mates and foot care and chair based exercise classes.
See below for more information.
If prescriptions, dressings, injections, or help with personal care are needed, they are provided by the health and social care services, but the parish nurse can be the link, ensuring that people use the health services appropriately, and understand their medication, care and condition.
They can help to prevent hospital admissions by following up people who have been discharged from care, are at risk, or have early signs of health problems. They train and coordinate volunteers to provide extra support during times of crisis, or combating loneliness. They encourage exercise and healthy nutrition, so that preventable diseases are less likely to ensue. They help young people to understand the dangers of unhealthy behaviours.
Some of the ways we help people……
Health promotion and screening….. Leg and foot care (Sole Mates)….. Exercise classes….. Supporting carers….. Transport to medical appointments….. Working with children and families….. Referral to other agencies….. Support with enabling ativities, both at home and community based….. Making sense of medical information….. Prayer support and the opportunity to discuss spiritual needs….. Working with those with long-term conditions….. Drop-in clinics….. Health education in group sessions….. Increasing and maintaining safety and independence in the home….. Support with mental and emotional health.
Health advice
Our Parish Nursing Health professionals are available for Personal Health Advice. All information is treated confidentially and in accordance with our Confidentiality Policy (available here)
Our one to one Healthy Lifestyle consultations involve advice on Weight Management, giving up smoking and other addictions, encouragement to make Lifestyle changes and exercise plans, Blood Pressure Checks, and referrals to other health care professionals or our ministers if necessary.
We are also able to support people with a broad range of mental health issues. Common mental illnesses include depression, anxiety, other mood disorders, psychotic illnesses and mental health issues related to ageing. This is not an exhaustive list. Advice may be discussing whether there is a need to seek primary care or more specialist advice as well as working together on how best to manage symptoms of mental and emotional ill health. Liaising with statutory services and with those already involved in a persons care form an important part of any advice we might give.
Drop-in Clinics
Our nurses hold a regular Drop-in Clinics:
St Philip’s Church Community Hub
We will be there every Thursday (10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.) and on the second and forth Tuesday each month (11 a.m. -12 p.m.) at the pop up shop so that you can talk to us in confidence about health concerns in a separate area.
For Residents of Collimer Court – once a month on a Wednesday morning, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, for health screening and advice. Please ‘phone 07969 901001 for the date.
Sole Mates and Foot Care
Our skin naturally changes as we get older. For example, our skin loses its softness and smoothness. We need to observe our feet and legs for signs of poor circulation and skin changes. As our suppleness reduces our ability to monitor our own feet and legs is restricted. With advancing years we may feel isolated due to reduced mobility and/or ill health/lethargy. Sole Mate’s aim is to tackle all these issues in a pro-active way.
Waiting for a problem to arise that requires the care of a nurse or doctor is the usual way in which those with leg and feet problems are identified. Sole Mates is a service that can provide regular monitoring and early detection of foot and leg problems. Earlier diagnosis may reduce the need for long courses of treatment.
This service is open to all over 65 years who are unable to wash, dry, apply creams/ointments and/or apply compression hosiery.
Referrals from Self, District / Practice Nurses, Doctors, Therapists, Pastors /Ministers, Specialist Nurses, Pastoral Workers or Community Matrons are all welcome.
Chair-based Exercise
The class is open to those people living in the local community. The emphasis is on maintaining mobility and suppleness. The exercises are gentle but effective. Exercising like this has a positive effect on self esteem because it enables the person to remain as independent as possible. This group is suitable for all levels of mobility and fitness. A short health assessment is always carried our prior to the first session. There is a tea and coffee afterwards which provides a great opportunity to socialise.
No Labels
An opportunity to relax and be ourselves in a non-judgemental and safe place. For adults who experience issues with mental health and would like to meet others in a supportive environment. 1.30 to 3.30p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month, at Seaton Road Methodist Church hall. Board games – newspapers and magazines – adult colouring – table tennis + tea and biscuits.