Walton Parish Nursing Article for the Town Council Magazine spring 2023

There is an incredible amount of research looking at the impact of diet on our health and it is the vital first step in the resolution to many problems. The principles of a healthy diet are simple: eat whole, colourful, mostly plant-based foods, including quality fats and plenty of fibre. The food we eat affects all aspects of our health including our mental health, making us think more clearly as well as protecting us from disease. Simple changes can protect and amplify your body’s own defences against ill health and with so many viruses about at the moment, it makes sense to help your immunity. Having a robust and well-functioning population of gut microbes through nourishing our bodies with affordable and accessible ingredients protects and bolsters our ability to deal with infections.
Food is one aspect of our healthcare that we can have direct control of.
What you choose to put on your plate is the most important health intervention anyone can make. As health care professionals we see the outcome of poor diet and lifestyle time and time again: high blood pressure, low mood, chronic pain, diabetes and cognitive decline. Food can be a very powerful therapeutic tool. Food can be the medicine you need.
Walton Parish Nursing is passionate about health promotion and disease prevention. Please feel free to contact either Lorna on 07969901001 or John on 07925255223 or email us at contactus@waltonpn.org.uk

Article provided by Lorna Bellamy